Gringo loves to get homemade treats from momma... but he tends to try and play with them before he wants to eat them. Take a gander at Yoshi at the end of the couch, ready to snag that treat if Gringo makes a mistake... haha.
This next photo is entitled "Dog Wars 2007" LOL. Place your bets now! It's hilarious too, because Chimi won the play battle.
Sort of... haha. Chimi is the alpha boss/brat of the house, while gringo is old and grumpy, and yoshi is a dofus who likes to trip and fall over the other two dogs... when it comes down to everything, I guess they all get along.
They do go through their share of scwabbling though. LOL
Sounds too funny, I am trying to imagine what u just said......haha. Yoshi is quite a bit bigger looking, i am trying to picture him tripping over the other two, it's painting quite a funny picture!
Awe Miss Mia... glad to see you around again. I love the pics!!! I like the first pic where they are both eye-balling that treat.... who is gonna get it first????