Awe, I did not realize Bandy was feelin bad!!! Glad he is feeling better... and cute pics too!!! PSSSST... I may be gettin a new pup too!!! Will know more by this weekend!
A neighbor friend of mine just bought back one of his puppies from a lady that could not keep him. He is 6 months old and is a cutie!! His name is Reese (like in Reeses Peanut Butter Cups), he is peanut butter color. I'm talking to hubby now, but I think he knows he does not have much say in it. So I may try and go by today and see if Reese can come by for a visit!!! If it all works out, then yep, may have a new boy in town!!
Awesome, Awesome, Awesome Sattie! Sounds like little Reese needs a momma!!! And at 6 months, alot of the "puppy" work is already done...He would be big enough to play with Binks..and not have to worry about him getting hurt like a tiny baby. I pray the "visit" goes well, just remember it will take your two guys more than one visit to make the adjustment to the "newbie!" Please keep us up to date on the decision... Deb
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.