Sometimes when i give Harley a treat...bone, piece of ice, and sometimes just a kernal of dog food.............does he roll all over it. Is he trying to get his smell on it so Daisy won't get it?? Its cute and funny!
how cute is that.. the only thing that i have ever seen my chi's roll on is the dead worms and frogs in the grass during the summer... now THAT is gross.
ewww! hahaha. He always does this now. This morning he was rubbing all over his bone. And he does it to me too. When he is lovin on me he rolls all over me, its so sweet.
There are certain lotions I can put on and Binks will rub on me when I wear them. He also likes the smell of my conditioner. And, he likes Burt's Bees lip balm... these things I don't mind him wanting to rub on, but as Vic said, when he is outside, it is the dead worms, and poo!!!!
Ewww, that's foul! I'm so glad Ellie doesn't do things like that; she seems to go out of her way to avoid anything that'll make her dirty! lol And that's no mean feat, we live in one of the muddiest places ever! lol