All, I encourage you to go to the site listed below and sign the petition... this is an actual petition site and your signature is electronically registerd... the reason for this petition is sad, very sad... please let your voice be heard!
I don't think we will ever understand why ppl do what they do. I just rescued a baby parrot that had been starved almost to death. Luckily for her, she didn't have to die a horrible death as that poor pup did. It truly makes me so very sad. We are suppose to be the "intelligent" species.
The dog was euthanized, not sure how a dog can sustain that much damage and remain alive, but I was hoping for the best. It is very hard for me to read it and it still makes me soooo mad just thinking about it.
People do things that we will never understand being who we are. At the very least, that pup is in a better place than he was with that man. Sattie, do you know if he owned that pup, or was it someone elses? It didn't say in the article. I am assuming it was his dog.
Newfy... if you go to that link again, you will see that it has been updated with more info and a picture of the man that abused the animals. Apparently there were 2 dogs.
The article said there were 2 dogs, both had to be euthanised, and both belonging to the man's girlfriend. The girlfriend was cleaared of responsibilty though. What I dont understand is how she was cleared if the eye had been like that for at least 24 hours and that the dog's living courters were so terrible. She would have known for sure and not done anything about it.
I will sign it, but actually I dont think jail is the answer. Our society slaps too many people in jail without a thought and our jails are full to bursting. I think what we need to do is work out why people comit crimes and give them help. But that's just my opinion. I really am ticked off. He killed not one but two dogs, and they think he won't do it again. I even emailed the courthouse this time with my thoughts on the matter. Hopefully he will get what he deserves. And how come his girfriend got off? It says the dog was like that for 24 hours. She should be right up there with him as far as I' concerned.
Yea, I don't understand that either... why if they are her dogs, she is not responsible for what happened?? I think they both have issues that should be dealt with.
I agree. If I saw my dog looking like that poor thing must have looked, I sure would NOT have waited 24 hours to get to a vet. That action right there deserves punishment.
I just cant understand why anyone would ever do that. I mean the poor little dog wouldnt ever understand why some big mean human would ever cause them so much pain. In my opinion any case involving animal cruelty, especially a case that results in death, should be treated the same as a case involving human cruelty, and murder if the case results in death. I signed the petition for sure, and Im going to send it to everyone I know.