Well girls I am considering having some highlights or something but cant decide so thought I'd ask you! Over the years I have coloured and recoloured my hair, I've been from blonde to red and purple streaks but am now au narural. I have medium brown hair, it's quite thick, and is a warm tone, like my skin. My eyes are dsrk green. I am thinking maybe some honey/caramel highlights. Not many as I want to keep it as natural looking as possible. What d'you think?
Hey Jess, Keep in mind this is the opinion of an "older" lady...lol, but I voted not to highlight.. I personally highlighted my "dirty blonde" hair for many years so I think I may just be tired of highlights..To me your warm and rich brunette color is most becoming with your complexion and brings out your eyes..(mine green also).. Whichever you decide will be great sweetie cause you got youth and beauty in your corner already!!! Deb
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
I love highlights and think they would look great on you Jess... soft highlights, nothing harsh. You have a pretty face and it would not take much to accent your features. I say go for it, you only live once!!!!
Thanks girls! I've decided I'm going to go and talk to the colourist next weekend about it. I want it to look quite natural, nothing too extreme, and as for upkeep if I only get a few highlights it wont be more often than like ever four months.