Hi everyone i am new to the site and a pal of savannah's recommended this site for us to come and visit. I have a chi named savannah she is 2 months old and so much fun. We hope to make some new friends.
awww thank you so much!!! I am so glad to be here and i am hoping to get a little boy chi this weekend for savannah so this site will be so great for me. Thanks again to Binks who invited us to this great group.
Hey there!!! Glad you made it over to our group. You will really like it here... lots of caring, friendly Chi folks!!! Savannah is such a cutie... she has markings alot like Binks does. Anyhow, if you have questions, this is the place for them, we are here to help and encourage you with your new pup!!
We would LOVE to see some more piccys of that little cutie!!!!
WELCOME Savannah and family.. We are so glad you are here and look forward to hearing all about you.. Such a precious photo of a gorgeous little girl.. Deb
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.