We walk Chuwee the same amount of time we do Zip. We try for every evening, but that doesn't always workout due to the weather or getting home late from work. In that case we take them out the the little field infront of our house and let them have a romp for abit. The weekend we walk to the park and take the walking path around the park. Usually it takes us bout 45 minutes to an hour for that. After that, Chuwee is done for the day..lol Zip on the otherhand is ready to keep on truckin...lol
Chimi hates being outdoors... he cant stand walking!! He wants to be carried at all times, so he doesnt get walked much. It looks like I'm dragging him down the street! I've tried tons of lead training ideas and tips, but they just dont work. The only place he will walk to is the lot across the street at the bf's house... and that's because he knows that once he goes potty there, then he can come right back across the street and into the house! LOL. He also walks in obedience class, but once we get outside, he's hopping up at my legs again...
I don't really walk my kids... once in a while we will go to the park or something. But we play around the house, I chase them, they chase me, we play tag, and hide and seek, so they get plenty of exercise. Also, when Binks goes out to do his business... he races around the backyard looking for the boogie man. LOL!
Partly why I got a Chi was so that I didn't have to walk her much as I am ill so find walking hard. I'd say half the time I walk her, halfd the time I dont. She loves walks and is always keen, it's just me who finds it hard to keep up! lol On the days I dont walk her I give her a few games of fetch.