That's a gorgous tree Alison! We haven't got our Christmas decorations up yet, but as soon as we do I'll get some snaps of it all! Unfortunately that wont be for a couple of weeks though as I'm going away for a week this weekend. But as soon as we do it you guys will be the first to know!
Bella thinks, I know there are gifts somewhere in this house... Mom is hiding them from me... I have to get Beni and we will start searchin'! Beautiful tree Suz. Deb
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
Finally here is our tree! It's not quite finished, we dont yet have a star/angel for the top and my Mum is bringing some gold tinsel when she comes down on friday! Yay! I also hope to make a wreath for our door when she comes.