lol, maybe you should consider a career in pet photography! That is nothing short of amazing that you were able to take such a great pic of all of them together. I'd frame the 2nd one-it's priceless!
Thank you!:D as i said in a past post in other pets pics Seen Here I yell a lot and hold a toy LOL. they are well behaved pups tho. My stupid date ob the camera keeps resetting thsope pics were takes at 5:00 this afternoon not 2 years ago LOL!
Terrifc pics, Meg! I can't get over the way those guys will all pose together like that!! I couldn't get this gang of mine to do that for all the toys, treats, and food in the house!! lol
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
OMG, Megsie - brilliant!!!!You must tell me your secret on taking such terrific pictures ... it wasn't only yelling and treat-giving was it, huh??? (*wink wink*)
~ NewbieChi
P.S. I am adoring - absolutely adoring Chico!!!!!!!And I love Trinity and Atticus!!!!!Both in the exact same position ... and Trinity grinning in the third pic!!!!!