My name is Gina and I have a 6 month old Chi called Sophie. She got spayed 3 days ago so she's a little sore but usually VERY playful and extremely smart. We brought her home at 8 weeks old and has been a wonderful addition! I was asked to stop here to check out the forum from someone on Dogster and I hope to stay active in the forum. I just wanted to say hello!
WELCOME Sophie and Gina... We are so very happy you have joined our group and look forward to hearing all about your family~! And we just love seeing lots of pics, so please feel free to post away.. I think you will really enjoy being here. Deb
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
I'm Lin, and I have a five month old chi, Rufus. He's a chocolate and tan long-coat, and the love of my life (besides my hubby, of course!) He's the one that looks like a teddy bear in the banner above Of course, he doesn't look like that anymore.