As a lot of you will know I have been on a new treatment for my M.E. for the psat 2 months. Part of this treatment has been n elimination diet. I have had to cut out wheat, rye, oats, dairy, sugar,vinegar, and all processed foods for 6 weeks. Well, it has been hard, but I finally caame to the end of this rechid diet last wednesday and am now feeling confident that I am not allergic to teh two foods I thought I would be! I went baack onto dairy last wednesday, but as it can have a delayed reaction I didn't reintroduce anything else til yesterday just incase that was the case for me. It wasn't, I am not allergic to dairy! WOOHOO!!! It is one that I was dreading, so that's great, great news! The other I thought I would have a problem with was refined sugar. I had some chocolate lsat night for the first time in 6 weeks and I felt great! LOL! I am soooo relieved, but just to be completely sure, I will be trying sugar again tonight in the form of ice cream! Purely research you understand! lol
as for the rest of my treatment, wll it is going well. I am now on nearly 8 out of the 10 suppliments I need to be on before I start the far infra red saunas. The rest is hard, as it turns out I am very bad at doing nothing! I just wanna get out there and do and see it all! lol But I am becoming more disabplined and it is paying off.
I am really feeling positive about this treatment working for me, which is anincredible thought! I'll keep you all posted on how it's going.
Jess, I find it amazing and inspirational that you have been able to follow this regimen and stay true to it. And the best thing is that is it paying off for you. I truly admire your stick-to-itness. I appreciate the updates, cuz I do wonder about you and how you are doing. Keep up the good work!!!
I'm so happy happy to hear that things you love will not have to eliminated from your life. Keep on keeping on, girl and remember.......research is a good thing. Enjoy your ice cream.
This is wonderful news, Jess! I am so glad you don't have to give up the "good stuff!" You have done so well thru this process and I am very proud of you.... Deb
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.