I was invited to join this board a few months ago. We now have a new computer at home and I can get into the site. At work it only shows me the picture at the top and nothing else!
Anyway, I just wanted to say hello to you other sweeties here. I am Rosalita Lola (Rosie) on dogster and know a few of you I am sure. However, at the moment I am kennelled at dogster because I upset HQ by speaking my mind on a couple of topics. I was not nasty at all, I never am, I just disagreed with what was posted and I get jailed for it.
Well good morning to you Rosie.... Welcome to our group and we look forward to hearing more about your family and see some pics... We are glad you came by our site.... Deb
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.