Awww Coco is a sweetheart... She would be a great view to have everyday! She appears to be much more into the camera than Lucy who could care less! lol We need more pics of your precious babies....
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
OH yea, they want to see you no matter what!! Binks will lay anywhere, as long as he can see me. He will go outside to do his business as long as he can see me (I have to stand at the door). They want to be with us so bad that as long as they can see you, they are content. What cute little pics!!!! He says "Where's my momma?!??!"
Victoria, those are some great pics! I wish we seen more of your babies. I am kinda partial to Coco, she sorta resembles my Radar! Little Lucy just seems to blend right in! It's hard to find her...LoL
sattie wrote: OH yea, they want to see you no matter what!! Binks will lay anywhere, as long as he can see me. He will go outside to do his business as long as he can see me (I have to stand at the door). They want to be with us so bad that as long as they can see you, they are content. What cute little pics!!!! He says "Where's my momma?!??!"