James, Ellie and I are going to James' Mum's place tonight to meet up with his brothers and their girlfriends to light some fireworks! I've not bothered with fireworks for the past few years, but we actually bought some day before yesterday!
Do you guys let off fireworks on the 5th of November? Today even!
Hmmm, we dont really have anything for november 5th, is it a special day? We have canada day , July 1st, which is a huge fireworks day. And also halloween there are alot as well!
On the 5th of November we celebrate 'Bonfire Night'. It was the date that Guy Fawkes blew up the houses of Parliament in 1605. It is known as The Gunpowder Plot', and we celelbrate the date Guy Fawks was caught every year by having a bonfire, burning a Guy doll (life size) and letting off fireworks! Although I've never actually done the burning the Guy thang; it just sounds too horrible for me!
In any case, it's a good excuse to have fireworks and a bit of a get together!
July 4th is our date for playing with fire, but usually it is outlawed in Texas becaue of the extreme heat and drought conditions. Basically meaning that only professionals are allowed to put on a fireworks show... no common folk allowed to play with fire. I remember as a kid getting the smoke bombs, black cats, bottle rockets... man, we were such idiots!!!
Jess, Guy Fawkes day sounds like fun! You Brits have such great holidays. I really miss Boxing Day (which we always celebrated when we lived in Germany) and I miss Christmas crackers - they are hard to find here in the US and are expensive when you do find them!
For 8 years we celebrated Christmas with a mixed bunch from England, South Africa, Luxemburg, Italy, and Canada. We were the only Americans. We all brought something to eat that was traditional to our country - and our Canadian/English hosts always had crackers! And we always paused in the afternoon to watch the Queen's address. Oh my, those were good times!
Anyway, sorry, off the topic but just got to reminiscing. Enjoy your fireworks!!!!
I have never heard of Guy Fawkes Day. I do agree, anytime to set off fireworks is well worth it!
We only enjoy fire works in Ontario on July 1st, Canada Day and on Victoria Day. It took me a while to figure out that it wasn't just a special day for me .
Luv My Rufus wrote: Jess, Guy Fawkes day sounds like fun! You Brits have such great holidays. I really miss Boxing Day (which we always celebrated when we lived in Germany) and I miss Christmas crackers - they are hard to find here in the US and are expensive when you do find them!
For 8 years we celebrated Christmas with a mixed bunch from England, South Africa, Luxemburg, Italy, and Canada. We were the only Americans. We all brought something to eat that was traditional to our country - and our Canadian/English hosts always had crackers! And we always paused in the afternoon to watch the Queen's address. Oh my, those were good times!
Anyway, sorry, off the topic but just got to reminiscing. Enjoy your fireworks!!!!
Blessings - Lin
Lin... You dont have boxing day in the US????? I dont know what I would do without it! ALL the 99% off at the mall! ITS my favourate day of year!!
2 days?! Lin, honey, I celebrate for a whole month! I get so excited about Christmas that I will start my celebrations by decorating, singing Christmas carols, making Christmas tree shped ginger bread, and various other festive activities come the 1st of December!
I'm with you there, Jess. I love Christmas! We always start our celebration on the first Sunday of Advent (which is December 3rd this year) - that's when we decorate our home and put up our Christmas tree (fake, of course). Actually, the night before is when we really start, with a special celebration at church called "Hanging of the Greens" - where we decorate the church and sing Christmas carols (and eat, of course!!!!)
And Andy and I don't take down our Christmas goodies until mid January at the earliest!
But when it comes to official, time-off celebration, we really only have one day (and actually, that's often a "work" day for me as a pastor