No, you have not shown your face. And such a pitty, cuz it is a beautiful one at that!!! You remind me of Sarah Michelle Gellar... to be taken as a compliment just in case!!! I actually had you pictured in my head as a blonde.... don't ask why, but my mental pictures of people never match up in real life.
Great pics, it is always nice to see who you have been talkin to all this time!!!
Ah Jessie, at last! I am soo pleased you finally showed your face for us! Thank you! But to be honest I really dont know what all the fuss was about, I mean you're very pretty and extremely photogenic! You also hvae the most radiant, glowing skin, you lucky gal, you!
Thanks so much for being brave and letting us see you sweetie! XxX
Sattie, I get "Sarah Michelle Gellar" a lot, actually I'll take that as a compliment, I think she's really pretty!
My hair is naturally curly... it's a little wet in those pics because I took them in the morning after I got out of the shower... but sometimes it is super curly... it's getting long now, so it doesn't curl up as much as it does when it is shorter.