Okay guys, do you all remember me telling you Harley pukes sometimes in the middle of the night? It has happened about 3 or 4 times including the time when he ate the flower stems. He crys alot in his crate for various reasons when we go to sleep but usually early in the morning bc he has to pee. But sometimes he crys and crys and I ignore him, and I feel like when I do that then he pukes. I don't know if all his crying makes him barf or what??? Does this make any sense?! Do puppies just puke sometimes bc they are growing? But after he throws up he is fine. BUT on saturday morning I got him out of his crate and there was puke, didn't think much of it bc he does that sometimes. THen i noticed how slow he was acting and all he wanted to do was sleep in my lap, even when Daisy was up!!!(which is so odd, he is usually runnin around like a maniac with her) and he pooped(the bad poop...runny sick MESS)like 4 times, and then he would be on his pad in the poop position and nothing would come out, like he was constipated....so he slept for a while and then he was up running around and was just fine. Do you think his tummy was just hurting?
I am gonna venture to guess you may have several issues. As for his most recent events, I would tend to think that maybe the ingested flower stems had some lasting effects. The bad part is that dogs are so notorious for eating anything, it is almost impossible to witness every thing they may encounter.
How long has it been since the flower stems incident?
I can understand the crying in the morning... and maybe a bit at night when first put to bed. In my mind, he should be well adjusted to his crate life and it should not be an issue at this point. But I could be wrong.
I am not sure that the crying would cause him to vomit, but, it would not surprise me that they would be smart enough to do that knowing it will get them attention. (I doubt this, but just a thought.)
Saturday sounds like a true illness that he may have encountered. If his stool is back to normal and his energy levels are back to normal, then I would think he is past whatever it is that made him sick.
How long has it been since your last vet visit?
If he is throwing up regularly at night, it is possible that it is food related (maybe feeding to late, or the food itself does not settle well). Or are there some treats that he is getting before bed time that could be causing it?
Not sure how much this will help, and I am sure you will get additional feedback on the issue. Can't have Harley feeling all dumpy and stuff!
I think a trip to the vet would in order to make absolutely sure that your little one has nothing serious going on. It would give you peace of mind and if there is a little something going on in his little tummy, the doctors meds will make him feel much better.
He puked 2 times before the flower thing, just in the early morning though. I was thinking the same thing about him puking to get me to get him out...but I donno. And he is perfectly fine now! I am supposed to go this weekend to get his last shots, is it okay if I wait until then?
I completely agree with Linda that a trip to the vet is needed. A puppy that is throwing up with any degree of regularity (as you said in his crate) should be checked out. The upset tummy over the weekend could be something he ate or a "bug," but the continued throwing up would worry me..
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
I second that Deb! I would want a Vet's advice on this one.
With an animal of this size illnesses can develop rapidly, making it imperitive that you get help immediately. If you have an appointment this weekend and he doesn't get worse then I would ask the Vet then if I were you. If however, he worsens then I wouldn't wait Jen. If you are worried or in two minds over it you could always call the Vet and ask what they think.
Let us know what the Vet says, wont you? Good luck, and lots of love to you and Harley from Ellie and I.
Its food, I think. But he is just fine now. Playing like a meany butt to Daisy. Being a brat to Kiwi. JUST A NORMAL LITTLE FART!! But ya gotta love him.
I will Sattie! He is just getting so BIG and he is still so young!! He is 9lbs! So I really think he isn't full chi. When I hold him and look in the mirror he looks so big to be only 5 months old,lol. But his little face kills me everytime he looks straight at me, it's so cute.! Last night at about 5am he cried bc he had to potty so I let him out and he went on his pad and then he knew I was going to pick him up and put him back in his crate, but he decided to just go jump back in it himself, I thought that was so sweet! He got to sleep in the bed the other night and him and daddy fell asleep(usually he sleeps on me) but then Evan put him on me bc he was scared he'd crush him and then I lost him in the middle of the night,haha. But i found him at Evans feet.
Well he doesn't sound too ill to me! As Sattie asked, please keep us updated come the weekend! And please also give him a snuggle from his Aunty Jess! x
I am so sorry to hear that Harley has been ill. Poor guy. He's a big guy, eh? LoL! He just might not be full chi, but he sure is a handsome fellow! I'm glad he is doing better. I hope he stays on the up & up.