As many of you will know Ellie had her first season in september. The symptoms have all now gone (thank heavens!) but she has got really big nipples. The seem to be getting more and more swollen each day, and I cant work out why. Whenever I pick her up she feels like she's almost nursing or something; they're that big!
There's no way she got caught by some dog as I dont really let her out of my sight, so she cant be pregnant. The thought that she might be having a phantom pregnancy did cross my mind though. Or prehaps this is just normal after a season.
Do any of you have any idea why this is happening? I would really apreciate any info/advice you guys might have!
Seems I recall Sassy having swollen nipples after her season for a while, but they went back to normal eventually. I've only ever experienced one season as I've never had a female before Sassy, so I'm not very informed on all this as some might be. It could indeed be a phantom pregnancy, but I am not sure. How long as she been out of season now? Maybe some of the others will be able to help much more here.
Oh, thanks Jenn! Brain fog, damned M.E.! Sorry about that!
Well it seems our friends dont have anything to add on this subject!
Ellie has been out of season for probably ten days now. It could just be that they're taking a while to reduce back to normal, but I dont remember my other girls doing this in the past. But then my memory is shakey at the best of times! I might be taking her to the vet on saturday anyway as she is scratching a lot and vomitted yesterday. If I do take her along I'll ask them about the nipples at the same time.
You are most welcome Jess! I'm just sorry I couldn't be of more help. I hate to hear that Ellie is not quite right lately. If she has to go to the vet, I hope you get a good report. Let us know! Hugs to Ellie!
Jenn, thank you, I will let you know what the Vet says come the weekend.
Sattie, thank you for your reply, it's always nice to get one even if the person doesn't have any help or advice to offer! But please,dont apologise honey, I know you've not had girls before.
I am now convinced they are getting bigger; you can see them sticking out when she walks past you! I'm thinking perhaps it's a phantom pregnancy, but I'll wait to see what the vet says.
2 of mine had that and the vet said they are retaining like a milk and they need pills to disperse it if it lasts too long 3 weeks but itwent away on its own
It's now been a few weeks and Ellie's nipples have changed somewhat; they're now smaller but sort of spread out more. It's still puzzling me but I am not so worried. I am thinking it is probably just a change that young female dogs go through after their first season. I suppose it's a bit like puberty for them so I'd imagine their bodies would change just like ours do. I also got a ouple of opinions from some knowledgable people and they confirmed this for me.
Thank you so much for all your replies guys, they were all really helpful and supportive! x