I can't think of much. Just that Jax is terrified of the digital camera. I think they are all a little afraid of the vaccuum cleaner, but that's about it.
Rio and Fancy are both terrified of thunderstorms... They freak out big time... Rio will actually tried to dig his way inside of us... We take him and put him under the cover in the bed and sit there with him while he shakes.
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
Rufus seems to be a pretty bold little guy. Vacuum, lawn mower don't bother him. Haven't experienced a thunderstorm yet. Only thing that scares him right now is coming down the stairs - no problem going up, and it's only two steps, but he just can't bring himself to take those steps yet!
LOL! Poor Rufus! It took Ellie like three months after we got her to be able to go down the stairs too. I guess it's just a very bit drop for such small pups! Dont worry, he'll get there in the end.
Ellie's biggest fear? The dark! She'll stand at the back door and just bark out into the night. She doesn't particularly like the vacuum cleaner either, but she just attacks it (vocally)! Funny cos she's fine with my hair dryer!
for my guys they only really freak out if their is a strange noise in the house at night. But they really hate if we get up when it's still dark out, then they know dad is leaving town for a convention. Fang (his dog) freaks!
You think dogs will not be in heaven~ I think they will be there long before any of us... stevenson