So, About 1 year ago i got my braces off, i had them later in my teen years, but oh well, better late then never.
I have had them off now for about a year, maybe a year and a half, but I need to keep sleeping with a retainer so they stay straight!
Biscuit always tried to get it, he knew where I kept it and for some reason just wanted to chew it! So i always had to be really careful that i put it back in its case, and in my drawer.
Well last ngiht it was hurting me a bit so in the middle of the night i took it out and put it on my nightstand...
In the mornihg...IT WAS GONE!!!
I have been looking everywhere for it and cannot find it! He stole it and hid it!!
I even tried to use him like a hound dog- i made him smell the retainer case and then put him on the ground to see if he would go find it...he didnt!
Its gone, and now ever if i found it...who knows where it has been! It could be in the back yard, or barried under my bed...yuck! Not to mention its probably totally chewed up! And its too late to get mad at him because he would have no idea what it was for...
I told him he had to get a job to pay for the $200 bucks for a new one
Hes almost 14 years (in dog years) and I think its time he starts bringing in some money to help with all the things he destroys!
Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that! It's so terrible when they manage to get a hold of expensive things. I've lost a couple of expensive things to mine as well.
Oh Brittany, I know I shouldn't laugh, but it's just that it reminds me of something similar. The same thing happend no less than four times! My young hound dog, Meg, stole it and completely chewed it up, and man are those things expensive! My Mum went MAD! FOUR TIMES!!! lol
Anyway Brit, I am sorry to hear about your loss, but you must promise us, when/if you do find it you wont put it back in. Yucky dergy! Get a new one and put it somewhere high! ALsao, let us know where it was!
I got my braces off about a year ago and the orthodontist told me that was the top reason why people had to get their retainers replaced. I have not had to get mine replaced and hope I never do... dogs don't seem to show much interest in it, but given half the chance, I am sure Binks would have a hay day with it!
Britt, I know we shouldn't laugh but I just keep picturing your puppy with that thing in his mouth!
I wear a toothguard at night because I clench my teeth (too much stress!) - I never thought about it but now I'll be careful to keep it out of Rufus' reach.
I know this isnt exactly funny, but I had to laugh! I can see Biscuit running off with your retainer...just a hilarious image! Anyway, hopefully you will find it very soon. I swear, we have some of the quirkiest dogs here! LoL
I too hate to laugh at your misfortune about losing an expensive retainer, but got to admit the story is sooo funny. I can just picture Biscuit running thru the house with a retainer in his mouth... Maybe Joey knows where Biscuit hid it!!!!
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
HAHAHAH aw how funny Brittany!! I got my braces off in 9th grade and my dog (parents dog now) Callie would take mine! I have no clue why they are fascinated by them! OH and does anybody elses dog like to eat poop? When Kiwi had a litter box Daisy would always go in it and get poop! And if harley poops on the pad and I don't know it yet, she will sometimes go get a piece! Harley does it with his own.....ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
HarleysLove wrote: HAHAHAH aw how funny Brittany!! I got my braces off in 9th grade and my dog (parents dog now) Callie would take mine! I have no clue why they are fascinated by them! OH and does anybody elses dog like to eat poop? When Kiwi had a litter box Daisy would always go in it and get poop! And if harley poops on the pad and I don't know it yet, she will sometimes go get a piece! Harley does it with his own.....ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
ewwwwww yep why do they do that!!!!!!!! its like pooooo