Harley was biting me and i noticed something about his bottom, front 2 teeth. His adult teeth are growing in there!!! They are just poking through the skin and it looks sooooooooo cute. No others are missing that I could see. But when he is playing, he will sometimes look around with his mouth a little bit open and you can see how much lower the teeth are, it is soooooo adorable!
dolly i noticed a few weeks ago..her top teeth were coming in..and i thought they were gonna look just like those dogs in the pic above..
but a week later they have grown in just like theyre suppose too..and they are so pretty..
she has finally lost 3 teeth.. found one she lost on the floor..she was trying to eat it..and the other on the couch..she was trying to eat it..and the third one in my bed..stuck to my leg..was funny..anyway poor thing cant eat any dry dog food til they come back in..
Funny some of you found the teeth; I never saw any of Ellie's! Maybe she swallowed them. Or maybe I need to work on my house keeping skills! Come to think of it, that's more likey!
I could not resist... not to detract from HarleysLove post, but when I was reading her discription of Harley and how he looked, that picture was the first thing that came to mind. I knew you guys would like it.. ya'll are one crazy group!!!
Rufus still has all his baby teeth as far as I can tell - he's working on a pigs ear right now and really chewing that baby up! When do the adult teeth start to come in?
Sattie, that picture was great. Gotta save it to show my hubby. Thanks for the laugh for the day.
Oh Lin, you've got all the fun and games ahead of you! Lucky you! Puppy teething starts at about 16 weeks and lasts till around 24-28 weeks. It is a few months of Hell, and you'll need to provide a LOT of chews, toys and whatever else you deem puppy chewing suitable. It is very important that you allow Rufus to chew a lot.
One peice of advice though, if you dont want to come home to find your favourite pair of shoes destroyed dont let Rufus chew any. Not even an old used one you are throwing out, as this teaches him that shoes are ok to chew. You cant expect a dog to distinguish between your expensive Jimmy Choos and your £20 Trainers.
Also, at about 8 months pups will start to chew all over again to work the muscles, so dont be surprised if Rufus doesn't stop chewing til about 12 months really.
LoL!!!!! Oh, I would love to see a picture of Harley showing his teeth like that! That would just be hilarious! But, hopefully he won't turn out with teeth like the dogs in Sattie's pic...LoL
UPDATE!!! Harley is missing teeth on the very top,front. He look soooooooooooo cute!! If my camera worked I would take a pic, but it doesn't! Haven't you all been wondering why I haven't posted pics in a while!!!!!!?
Oh my goodness, Jenn, that sounds so cute! You really must get your camera fixed! Does have a big gap, or are the adult teeth coming in already? I want to see!