I was rolling a little kitty ball with a bell inside on the floor for Rufus to chase, and we were having a great time. Suddenly he grabbed it and started chewing it. I heard a crack and grabbed it out of his mouth - but there was a little piece of the plastic missing! Couldn't find it anywhere so I assume he swallowed it!
Should I be worried? Anything to watch out for (besides, hopefully, a little tourquoise lump in a poop)?
I would not worry to much unless he starts vomiting or acting strange. If he starts acting lethargic or sleeps alot, then you may want to take a trip to the vet. Otherwise, don't sweat it to much... pups eat alot of stuff they should not and in most cases, they just pass it through. Do you know if the piece of plastic had sharp edges on it??
I agree with Sattie. My boys and Sassy get in to SO much! Just keep an eye out. My kids luv those balls too but quite a while back I saw how easily they can crack and break them, so I make sure they don't get any now. Mine will tear up and eat anything they can. Crazy furballs.... I am sure all will be ok.
Not to worry Lin darlin, it happens to the best of us! I think Sattie hit the nail on the head with her advice. They pick things up so quickly and easily, dont they?! Ellie got hold of a drwing pin the other day; it was lucky James spotted her with it because I didn't! Oops!
If you're at all worried about him though, dont hesitate to call your Vet for advice; as these dogs are so small they go down hill fast. Love, Jess x
Thanks for all your advice, everyone. He's acting normal so far, he's had a poop this afternoon but frankly didn't fish around to see if there was anything in there
It was a pretty small piece, but it is hard plastic so the edges are a bit sharp, I would guess.
Believe me, if he starts acting odd, he'll be to the vet so quick his head will spin!!!!
Man, doesn't everyone love the game..."chase the puppy and wait to see what comes out the south end of a north bound pup." I think Chuwee has an appropriate name. He dun wore me out worrying about everything he picked up off the floor. I should have named him Hoover...lol
newf wrote: Man, doesn't everyone love the game..."chase the puppy and wait to see what comes out the south end of a north bound pup." I think Chuwee has an appropriate name. He dun wore me out worrying about everything he picked up off the floor. I should have named him Hoover...lol
These puppies must have stupendous digestive systems! This morning Rufus was playing with his favorite stuffed toy (a rather pudgy sheep that he loves to hump, we call her his "girlfriend"!)
Anyway, I heard him chewing away at this thing so took it away from him to see what was up. He had chewed off and presumedly swallowed a good portion of her ears!
And I was worried about a little piece of plastic!
LOL Lin!!! Yea, these guys are into everything!!! Binks manages to nab something off the table and then he play's keep away from for a few minutes before finally submitting to me. He usually gets toothpics that we leave laying around. You got to watch them, everything is game to them if they can get it in their mouth!!
LOL! I must admit I am very relieved to hear that Rufus has a 'girlfriend' as Ellie has a 'boyfriend'! It's a hedgehog soft toy, about her size. So ladylike! I wasn't going to mention it as I was too embarressed, but since you were so brave and brought it up I thought I'd make it a little easier for you to bare!
Thank goodness it turned out to be a 'young puppy' and in 'heat female' trait! Phew! She doesn't seem to want to do it any more unless she's in season.
Well, it's good to hear little Rufus is ok after the piece of plastic incident!
Yes, I was rather surprised that Rufus started that particular behavior so young (His daddy proclaims proudly, "that's my boy"!) But checking my books assures me that it's normal.
I figure once he's fixed he'll stop doing it quite so much.
Funny thing is it's only with this one toy (at least as far as we've seen)
I did read somewhere that when females do it it is more a dominance thing than a sex thing!
They certianly do keep life interesting! I cant imagine now how I ever lived without Ellie, it would be so dull and colourless!
You know, I think you might be right about the dominance thing. Before Ellie starts 'getting down' with her Hedgehog she will beat him up at bit first. It's funny and a little scary at the same time because it's a bit like a violent rape! Luckily she doesn't do it so much now! Phew!