I dont know if this is possible or not, but I had to ask! When I saw the post about Christmas cards the other day it made me think, and I would really love to send all my chi friends Christmas cards this year. Do you think this is do-able? I guess it would mean getting everyone's postal addresses, but I'm up for it if you are. If not, that's cool as well though!
I think that is sweet Jess!!! I can't tell you the last time I sent a card.... Maybe we could start a thread where if you wanted to participate, then you could post your address. Just a thought.
I do this on another list I am on. The way we do it is that one person will collect all the addresses of the people that want to participate. By emailing that person personally with your address. It's not a good idea to post home addresses on a message board.
I won't be participating on this board, because I have at least three other boards I have participated on in the past and will do so again.
Have fun with it. It is fun to get cards with pics of Chis on them.
It's my fave part of the Christmas season these days...
sattie wrote: I think that is sweet Jess!!! I can't tell you the last time I sent a card.... Maybe we could start a thread where if you wanted to participate, then you could post your address. Just a thought.
Great idea! So GLobal Mod, can you set it up for us? Or should I ask Megan?
On Another Forum I Was On We Had Secret Santas Every Year Where The Mod Would Randomly Select You A Person [That Had Signed They Wanted To Participate] For You To Be Their Secret Santa. They Would Send You Their Real Full Name And Address, Which You Had To Send Them If You Wanted To Participate. On This Thread You Had To Give A Couple Things You Liked, Like Candles Or Something. And All You Had To Do Was Send Them A Gift Like Under $15 Or A Card. It Was A Great Idea. I Think We Should Do This.
I like what Teresa said. I'd not post my addy on a messege board, but what she said would work well. I think Secret Santa is nice, and I'd participate, but I love cards most of all, so that's my fav idea. Just a big Chi Cabana Card Exchange!
Yea, I agree, after thinking about it a bit, I don't think it would be a good idea to post address on the board. But, if you like, I would be willing to collect the addresses of those that would like to participate, and then about the first week of December or maybe earlier, I could send the addresses that I have collected to all that have chosen to participate....
How does that sound? If you have some other thoughts or suggestions, let me know!!