Hey Chi lovers, I am going camping again today!! Won't be back until Sunday. I have a question for you all...on the news a few weeks ago they said that bears in the smokies were starving this season bc there isn't enough food(parents went site seeing and saw mama bear and 2 cubs and got pics and the mama looks like a baby, shes was really skinny) and where they saw that is kinda close to wear we camp. It is in a camp ground so their are other people but do you think it is safe? Last time i felt like i was up all night listening for something. i was scared one was just going to charge through our tent bc it'll smell little dog,lol. I don't know if we should camp on a lake around here away from the mountains.
OMG - I don't know about bears, but I would be really careful with your little guy! I read in several of my chi books that birds of prey have been known to swoop down and take off with chihuahuas. So I wouldn't put it past a bear!
Not to scare you, but keep a good eye on Harley!!!!
Oh don't worry, No bird (or any other animal) will ever take my baby from me! I heard on the radio that there was an 11 foot long catfish in China!!!!!!! I was like WHAT!!!!!! And my dad showed me pictures of records in the US and i saw a 9 ft. catfish and it was 650 lbs in fresh water lake, and he said that there are alot of fish in lakes that eat ducks and they'd def. eat a chihuahua. I said 'WELL THANKS FOR TELLING ME AFTER I SWAM IN THE LAKE AND LET HARLEY GET IN IT'. Never again, i have always been scared of the lake bc my dad got bit by a fish when i was little just swimming, so i am terrified. I used to be such a daredevil on the tube in the lake but when i did it recently i was soooooooooooooo scared, i couldn't take it.hehe
Hey everybody I'm back! It was overall an OKAY trip, it rained alot and it was really windy the first night and was almost impossible to put up the tent, but we did it. We saw a group of WILD TURKIES walk through the campground, they looked just like the ones by my house. Everytime I walked anywhere with Harley, lots of little kids asked if they could pet him and of course he greeted them with kisses. This one lady said she was on a trail not to far from camp and saw bears (same place my parents saw them last weekend) and she said that there was a huge poop by her site and she thought it was bear poop. I was kinda scared after that bc our site was right onthe edge of the "real" woods bc the campground was so packed. On sunday it rained ALL morning, we just had to stay in the tent, it was pouring. And we were so ready to get home so the rain lighted up a bit and we started to take the tent down and then it started pouring again and we were sooooooo wet and our tent had about a gallon of water in it,we were miserable. When we got home we had to set the tent up in our yard so it could dry out. BUT Harley did perfect!! Oh and i didn't get any pictures because my stupid camera died. :(