Guys i feel really bad right now and I shouldn't. I went to wedding forum and was just posting like always and i wrote is anyone else as young as me. and immediately i got like 40 posts of people criticizing me tell me how stupid and young i am, telling me Evan and i look like we are 14 years old, that puppy love is blind, that we won't last. And blablabla it went on and on and on and i was saying how my parents are HS sweethearts & they are still together and someone said 'the only bad thing about your parents marriage was having you', THESE PEOPLE DON'T EVEN KNOW ME!!! They just kept bashing and bashing every single thing i said. Im not kidding EVERYTHING. They kept telling me to stop posting or id make it worse. But this is the internet not HIGHSCHOOL! Everything i said they said theyd quote and write something mean. I am so mad!
I am sorry, but a forum like that should be banned from the WWW. That is terrible that people can be so hateful and inconsiderate.
Please, pay them no mind... they don't know you, they did not even try to get to know you, and as far as I am concerned, that is their loss. Please don't feel bad about that, all of us here love you and support you.... even if you do look like your 15!!!
Ignore that negativity! They are not happy with themselves and it makes them feel better to pick on someone else!!!
I don't think I look 15, and WHO CARES if i do, ill look young when I am old. That's a plus. I don't care what they say bc i know what i am doing and how i feel, its just annoying they took the time to write all of that. I guess everybody is going to think I am to young but I don't. Some people get married when they have known eachother for a month, i think i am being smart by take a year engagement to plan a wedding.
I think you look pretty and I hope you did not mistake my comments about you looking 15... I was trying to be funny. And like you said, looking young is a good thing, trust me! Nothing like getting carded when you are 35!
I understand. Onan old hamster Forum iwas a member of every post i made i got judges aND CRITICIZED, AND LECTURED, AND TOLD I WAS A HORRIBlE HUMAN BEIGN! UGH soem poeple us ethe net to be 'bold' and 'man' cause they are cowards in real life!
Give me some of their names Jennifer, Ill lay the Smakck down!!!! Ill go in their and start beating their butts!!
Im just kidding, unless you really want me too....Dont listen to them at all!! Their are idiots and are only jelous because your young and happy and their old and bitter!!!
As my sig says, "It is nice to be important, but it is more important to be nice." I was taught to keep my mouth closed if I didn't have anything nice to say... Personal opinions are something we share with one another, not something we use to beat each other over the head! I am so sorry those folks had to hurt you in order to make themselves feel more superior and knowledgeable..They must be really unhappy people, while you on the other hand are a loving, outgoing, confident young lady. Deb
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
I would'nt pay any attention to them. Maybe they saw your picture and were like "Dang, she looks way better than me" Don't worry about the age thing either cause I am 27 and people think I am 15. It sucks, cause I don't get treated witht the same respect as adults. I got married at 22 and am very happily married. I know if I ever get pregnant people will be like "Look at that 15 year old pregnant" .
Don't worry about those people. All that matters is that you and Evan understand that marriage is a 50/50 commitment, and you guys feel that it is the right choice to make. It doesnt matter that you are young and in love. I mean, I am only 20 and married. They'd freak out to find out that I have a 30 year old husband! LoL...people like that are jealous that you are gonna look like you're 30 when you're proud and keep you head high!
I agree with the others. Don't let these rude people get to you. How can one say that about a couple they don't even know? Some people are just really rude and want to be mean. They want to get a rise out of you.
Thanks guys. It's actually funny and soo lame because other posts I have posted I have gotten like no more then 10 responses and then the age thing came up and i suddenly had 90 replies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT!!!! 90! I mean do they seriously care that much.
What sad little lives they must have. If they have to belittle someone on a message board just to make themselves feel better, then I think they need our pity! lol
Oh well... fortunately, it's OUR opinion that counts!! (*grin*) We're behind you 100%
On one hand I think we need to pity these people, but on the other I feel I need to defend my Chi Sister, and kick their butts! Gimme their names and I'll go and sort 'em out for ya!
Dont listen to them hon, you know your own heart! And so does Evan!
On one hand I think we need to pity these people, but on the other I feel I need to defend my Chi Sister, and kick their butts! Gimme their names and I'll go and sort 'em out for ya!
Dont listen to them hon, you know your own heart! And so does Evan!