As we get older I guess it is true that we enter our second childhood.... I collect Furbys! Yea, yea, the kids toys!!! I have 33 now and have added a photo of most of them. Each row is 2 deep so all don't show up in the pic.. Have all the special editions which is what got me started.
Anyone else have a "collection" they would like to share? Can't be any sillier than my Furbys
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
I went nuts the year they came out trying to buy one.... I can't tell you how many stores I went to!!! Then I got 2 of them and gave them away to my nieces. I use to collect these things called Puffkins... little stuffed animals like Beanie Babies. I had a whole room dedicated to these things and then one day I realized how goofy I was and gave them all away. (pssst! I kept some of the best ones tho!!!)
Books! Andy and I can't resist - we have so many we could open our own library. We try to weed them out regularly, but just get more to replace them.
When I lived overseas I collected Lladro figurines - I have a nice collection of them, but can't add to it because they are way to expensive here in the USA.
Great collection, Heather! You have yours displayed so nicely.. My Furbies are in the back bedroom that I fixed for the granddaughters when they spend the night. One of my best friends where I worked also collected frogs, so she was always easy to buy a birthday gift for!
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
Thanks!! LOL that is funny, everyone says that and you can bet that every year for b-day and Christmas i get frogs frogs and more frogs. I just decorated my office at work with a number of them too, got cool desk stuff at I think that searching and collecting is only half the fun, displaying is the other half!!!
I have always wanted to get into collecting things, I just never did. I love the collections you guys have! I had 3 Furbys, but a couple, well, kinda died. LOL! I do still have a special edition Halloween one. It's a witch! I like it a lot.
One thing I like a lot, and have a couple of, is crackle glass. You guys know what that is? Little vases and such that look all cracked. It's very pretty. I'm hoping to get more of that and get a collection going. I'll update this post with a pic as soon as I can.
Oh, I also LOVE frogs! I have not started collecting them really though, just have a couple. Not real, of course. Hehehe...
Evans grandfather collected stamps and put them in his Will to give to him after he died. There are thousands of old old stamps from Hungary (his heritage), they don't even look like stamps, they are really thin. But it is pretty neat, and none of them have been used. Ill try to take a pic if i can remember.
I am not a collector now, but when I was younger, I use to collect clowns. I still have some of them, but most of them I either gave away or sold. I do enjoy looking at other people's collections though. :)
I'm a real book-aholic too! Cant gete nough of them. I am, however, the only book worm in my house as James is Dislexic and consequently does not read.
I love frogs, but I prefer the alive variety. In fact, I nearly got a Green Tree Frog a couple of months back! One day perhaps.
I love Snow Globes, but dont actually own any. I would like to collect them, but guess I need to actually get one first!
I kind of, by accident, collect globes. I just noticed one day that I had like ten, so I suppose I collect them! I do love them, and am always very pleased and excited (sad, I know!) when I find a new one!
I've always collected Breyer Horses, unfortunately they're all boxed up at the moment. I haven't found a place to unpack and show them off yet. My husband just bought me a couple of horses from the "The Trail of The Painted Pony" collection. They're gorgeous. I might start collecting those now. I would like to start a collection of Chihuahua things. I also like Frog things as my Fraternity (yes Fraternity) mascot is the Frog.
My Stepdad got me these at a flea market a couple months ago. Would these be Breyer horses then? I know the one horse is Spirit I believe, from the movie. I don't really see markings (unless I'm overlooking) except on Spirit, he has a silver horse on his stomach.
My Stepdad got me these at a flea market a couple months ago. Would these be Breyer horses then? I know the one horse is Spirit I believe, from the movie. I don't really see markings (unless I'm overlooking) except on Spirit, he has a silver horse on his stomach.
They look like Breyer's. I'll have to look at mine at home and see if there is any unique markings.
Hey all...I was thinking of what I collect, and when I read HarleysLove post about the stamps form Hungary, I realized that I collect world stamps!!! I have a big album, and usually only end up being able to work on putting my stamps in my album at Thanksgiving time when I have a few days free. My cousin also collects USA stamps, and we exchange and work on our albums together when she comes at that time to visit.
I just got a whole sheet of chihuahua stamps (below), and I have already in my album, butterlies, other dogs, cats and insects from around the world, as well as the usual stamps from all countries. It is an interesting can research about individual stamps, as well as the countries they come from.
I love to collect candles and burn them.. cinnamon is my fav!! I also like 'precious moments' figurines that I was started on by my godparents when I was younger.
But my all time favourite collection is my Chi Babies!!
Everyone has such great collections! I want to find something to collect... I used to collect Breyer Horses as well but they are all boxed up at my parents' house.
If you go to and go to the stamp collection, you can search for any type stamp you want!!! It's neat cause you will find a particular "dogs", for example in several different countrys!!! It's fun to see how they differ from each other. I have Harry Potter stamps from Australia like this too...on a sheet. Talking about it has me interested in working on my album this weekend!!!
Ok, I just realized that I do collect something.... I have thousands of incense... any kind of scent you can think of... I probably have it. I have a monster sized tupperware box that I keep em all in. My dream one day is to take every single one of them and light them up at the same time in my back yard and make a scent tribute!!! I will take a pic if I can... my fav scent is pinon... very woodsy leaf burning smell... just love it!!
Oh, what a cool idea for your incense, Sattie!!! I would love to do that. We had a fire pit that we bought last year, and we will make a fire in the backyard on cold nights...I was thinking maybe I could throw incense sticks or cones into the your fav one that smells of leaves...or maybe cinnamon and apple ones...something seasonal. Thanks for the idea!!!
I collect Beanie Babies, dragon models, cds, and i have a cologe (sp?) of my family, and pics of muh favorite bands and my friends and all that fun stuff lol.. so yeah...