I don't know if this is where i should post this but here i go....
Harley is the sweetest dog ever! BUT he hates it when i put his collar on or his leash. It takes 2 people to do it. He GRAWLS so loud and bites me so hard and wiggles so much that we have to hold him on the ground. I have got to get him to stop doing this. Any suggestions?
I'm having the same kind of problem with Rufus. Of course he's really little yet so it's a bit easier to handle him. I give him a gentle shake and in a very stern voice say "stop it" which usually makes him stop nipping and wiggling enough to get the thing on. It is difficult by myself and very frustrating.
I know some have said their dogs took to the collars/harnesses/leashes with no fuss at all. Guess we're not that lucky, Jenn! I'll be interested to see what advice our friends have.
When we were camping I kept having to put his leash on and off and it was quite embarassing when hed be grawling so loud (its more like a scream) bc everybody would look at me, I was like IM NOT HURTING HIM I SWEAR!
Oh Jenn, I feel for you having people looking at you like you're hurting your dog! Must've been so embarressing!
Anyway, your problem, well I'm not really sure what to suggest as Ellie has never shown an sign of aggression towards me. If she did though I think I'd be very angry with her. As I said above though, I'm really unsure what to advise, and I am sure other members will have better advice for you, but here's my view for what it's worth. I would practise taking the collar on and off at home, so you're in a comfortable environment and the dog doesn't feel threatened. Every time you put it on give thme a little treat and give them praise. Then take it off again. Repeat that til the dog feels comfortable and knows that having the collar/lead/harness on is not a punishment or indeed anything for them to be scared of.
To be honest, I kind of expect this of Rufus as he is just learning about the collar and lead businness, but I'm not so happy about Harley doing it. He is a bit old to be acting up like that I'd have thought. Perhaps he hasn't yet grasped the fact that you set the rules, not him. He might still be pushing to be the dominant one. I dont know.
That can be a bit disconcerting. I use to have that problem with Buster, he would yelp for just about anything and the neighbors would look at me. Anywho, when you put his leash and/or collar on, have you tried to approach him in a calming manner.... where you come up to Harley and pet him and soothe him then gently put the collar/leash on? I guess what I am saying is try to distract him a bit with the attention you give him, it will also help to make him feel at ease. If you expect him to act up, then he more than likely will. But if you approach him with a different purpose in mind, then maybe he will not see it as something he needs to fight.
Harley is acting like a "litter stinker!" Is there a reason you don't just leave his collar on him? Then you would only have to "work" on adding the leash. My guys wear their collars/tags all the time and now they don't even notice them... Sounds like Jess has a point about establishing who is the pack leader..Do you have a "key word" that means NO and lets Harley know you mean business and are not playing with him? It seems he is at that age where he is testing you to see who is the boss. Persistence and perseverence are a must at this stage...Best of luck and hang in there...Deb
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
Is the collar uncomfortable for him? I only ask cause mine have been wearing their collars since I got them as babies all the time. I decided I wanted to get new ones for them of a different material and came home and put them on and both of them just absolutely hated them and tried their hardest to get them off. So I put their old collars back on and they are fine. That is probably not the problem though, but I just thought I would throw that in. The other chi luvers him already gave some good advice.
Chewy didn't like his collar either. Never behaved like that, but didn't want to wear it, kept trying to chew it off. I made it tight enough that he couldn't get his jaw caught in it but loose enough not to choke him and made him wear it all the time. He now wears an adjustable one with no ends hanging of to the side and we don't have any problems. My guys collars only come off maybe at bath time.
Yes i keep the collar on all the time now, but everytime i go near his neck to put his leash on he knows what im doing. He just bites so hard. I say 'NO' and 'Don't bite' alot. I am scared that i dont know how to be the alpha or whatever, bc Daisy is a trouble dog and I know no matter What Harley will be easier bc he is small but i still want to do it right. i think we messed up on Daisy or she is just a CRAZY NUT CASE bc she is a mix or something but Harley is sooo much easier! And he is smart.
I don't knwo a lot about training, but from what I read, you can try to associate collar and leash with good things, like put the collar on right before you give him food, or his fave toy. Then he'll associate leash/collar on = having a treat.
Also try to touch his neck a lot... not only when you put his leash on... and maybe give him a treat for being calm when you touch his neck.
Did Chimi and Harly come from the same litter or something!?!?!? LOL!!!
Chimi does this collar thing too, but not nearly as bad with the growling. He puts up a horrible stink about it, but he never makes a noise, just a ton of nipping and biting. His tail wags the entire time though, so I think he's just playing. I dont know how to let him know that we are not playing... he thinks every time is play time!!
I have to agree with Jess though, because of the other posts that I have read about Harly's behavior. Dominance.
Woooo! Way to go! That's what ya gotta do... as tiny and as cute as they are... you still have to lay down the law... LOL.
I had such issues with disciplining Chimi over anything. I think that he's so small and cute that I just couldnt hollar at him over anything. I've sort of sucked it up though, and after his classes he is soooo much easier to deal with.
If you hav'nt already, check your local PetSmart store for puppy classes. They area awesome, and I know Chimi would be an absolute nightmare without them. He has graduated beginner, and now he's moving along to intermediate!
If you do decide to enroll him, just ask if they have a small dogs class... because sometimes play time with the other large puppies can be a little too much for both the owner and the Chi to handle.