i noticed a lump like underneath dollys skin..this is kinda gross but it feels jellylike and it moves around..but she didnt seem to mind me touching it..does anyone have an idea what this could be?
This is only a guess, please have her vet check this out. Charlie, our pug, has one the vet called a cebaious cyst. Said as long as it didn't grow in size or cause discomfort they would not remove it. It is about the size of a nickel and is soft and mushy feeling... It will move under your fingers.. Deb
-- Edited by chiDeb at 16:22, 2006-09-06
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
The other thing I can thing of is a reaction some chis or small breeds experience after shots. A lump will form in the general area where the shots were administered. But usually the lump is harder and will dissappear over time. Keep us posted on what you find out.
Chewy had one of those during his first year. I took him to the vet and they asperated (sp?) it and found it to be nothing. The Dr said sometime young dogs get these and they'll go away on their own. A month or so later it was gone. Hope that's all it is.
Has she had her Rabies vaccine lately? Rabies is known to cause a lump as a reaction, and this can even happen a few weeks after they are given the shot.
Hi, Dove won't be getting the Rabies shot anymore. She did OK when it was a one year shot but she went into her own world for almost 4 days. She stayed under the dining room table the whole time. Her sister Sugar went into shock and had to be given IV's to come out of it. My son and family own Sugar... Marge~Dove