POETRY! the current contest ( runs until the 30th) is poetrY! write a poem about your chihuahua! and post it here!
Requirements: Must be at leats 5 lines long, structure and rhyming don't matter! MUST be chi themed! must be titled and submitted by Seotember 25!
My Chihuahuas
Whether the head be apple or deer,My lovely chihuahuas bring me such cheer.
It's amazing to see how dogs so small,give so much joy and love to all.
I know first hand the happiness they bring,More than silver and gold, more than anything.
When I look into my Chihuahuas' eyes,I can see a love that will never die.
God gave me these babies, to lift my heart,To love and to cherish til death do us part.
I know I will always be filled with glee,For these chihuahuas are my children, and always will be.
By All4ChiLuv (Jenn)
Harley is my main squeeze
He is my only son
I sometimes give him a piece of cheese
We have lots of fun
He is so very important to me
I love his little face
I can't imagine how my life would be
Without my little Chi
By: JLH4212007 (Jen and Harley)
Biscuit and Joey
Biscuit is cuddly,
a little bit fat.
Joey is snarley,
I like him like that.
Biscuit is funny,
in the most cunning way.
Joey is leary
"of vaccuums" he'd say.
They both hate the bath
and both love the car.
One likes to run,
the other won't jar.
We love them no matter,
the quirks and the fears.
We love them forever
our two little dears.
Written by Yvonne (My mom)
Heres a pirture of my mom with her grandchild chloe! (8 months old)
The Love Bandit
My name is the little Bandit
I’m quite a little man
Mostly ears they tell me
Short legs on which to stand.
I’m great at giving kisses
And nibbling on the ears
Snuggling is my specialty
It dries all momma’s tears.
I run and play and entertain
Perform for all our guests
They think I am so precious
When I flop to take a rest.
I cut my eyes and cross my paws
Everyone thinks I’m grand
They never believe I’m the stinker
That my momma says I am.
Why I would never chew up shoes
Or tear up your papers in the floor
And certainly never poo poo
Where it’s not been done before!
Just look into this little face
And I’m sure you’ll all agree
I’m a wonderful little baby
And mom spreads tales on me!
Bandit’s Mom- Deb