Please visit thta link and find Chihuahua Cabana
click on C.C. (Chihuahua Cabana) and at the top of the page will be a rating bar. Click it and make it a "5" rating.
If we get enough Ratings we will Get a Public Listing ( i.e. Yahoo search)
so help out! if you can!
How many votes do we need? Can we keep voting?
Brittany wrote: DOne!! How many votes do we need? Can we keep voting?
I voted! Hopefully we can get it public. I googled it to find y'all, and found it because Sattie has it in her signature on another board! WOO HOO ChicoLuver wrote: Please visit thta link and find Chihuahua Cabanaclick on C.C. (Chihuahua Cabana) and at the top of the page will be a rating bar. Click it and make it a "5" rating.If we get enough Ratings we will Get a Public Listing ( i.e. Yahoo search)so help out! if you can! -megan(admin)
I voted! Hopefully we can get it public. I googled it to find y'all, and found it because Sattie has it in her signature on another board! WOO HOO
ChicoLuver wrote: