Does everyone have plans for the long weekend? I plan on relaxing for the 4 days I have off... I'm planning on working on some school work, catching up on sleep, and of course spending tons of time with my chis :D
But I'm sure hubby will want to do some more "fall" Cleaning. We've still got boxes that we haven't unpacked since we moved in almost 2 yrs ago. Funny thing is those boxes have been packed for like 5yrs, since we've moved so much. Guess we really don't need what's in them.
We kinda celebrated Labor day last weekend when my parents rented a house on the lake. My grandparents were there, my sister and her baby, and me evan and Harley! Now everybody is out of town, my mom went to Nebraska(shes flying on the same kind of plane that crashed a few days ago!!) And my grandparents went to S.C.
I never work on Mondays though so it's not that big of a deal for me.
I'm on call.... so it may not be so much fun for me. But I do plan on just hanging around, cleaning fish tanks, chillin with the doggies, sleeping, and cooking!!!!!!
I am staying home this weekend. I might just go out on the boat with my hubby. I rather stay home on Labor Day weekend where I live. It is sooo busy and people get too crazy.
We have no plans either. Hubby will probably just catch up on some much needed rest and relaxation. Maybe we will go to Austin for the day or something. I just like to relax when I have time off.:)