Just like Lay's potato chips, huh? I have 7 right now. The baby is 11 weeks and the old man will be 10 in October... I would say that the baby is the last one, but I've said that before.
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
Ian says that he gets to choose the next breed of dog we get (although he says chis are his favorite), but I still want my longcoat ;) There's nothing wrong with having lots of dogs... I like them much better than people
Amen, why you think I have so many??? They wag their tails, not their tongues. They love unconditionally and forever. They always have time for you, never fuss at you, and think you're the greatest thing since grits!! By george, I may have talked myself into another one!
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
We have 2 of our own and on occasion a 3rd as a foster. Hubby say no more, and I really can't see us getting anymore. They go to the car shows with us and geuss who ends up carrying around both of them, ME! So I don't think I could hold a 3rd one. But I almost talked him into a third one once, but glad I didn't. If I where to get another one, it would definately have to be a blue. Do blue's come in long coat? That would be perfect.
I have my 2 munchkins Binks and Boots!!!!! And I agree, I would rather be around my dogs than most people.... except for you kind folks that I love ever so much!!!!
In our household, Radar is a lone Chi. Although, we do plan on getting another in the future. Right now, Radar is enough to handle considering all the traveling around we do.
I just have one - my long-awaited Rufus! With five cats in the family, one chi is enough for now. But I can picture us getting another someday, when we are down a few cats (by natural attrition, of course. All my cats so far are long-lived and die a happy old age!!!!)
We have Fang our black & tan, Envy our long coat brown/white, Luna our blue mearle, Voodoo our blue male, and Mocha our red rescue girl, also Abby the golden retriever who is pregnant so in October we'll have about 11-15 dogs! : ) instead of our 6.
You think dogs will not be in heaven~ I think they will be there long before any of us... stevenson
I originally had my biscuit, and my mom who lived down the road had her joey, but since i moved back their are 2 here. I think when i move out again I may get another friend for biscuit, but for now the 2 is plenty!!
I also have to agree, love the dogs complared to alot of people out there!