ChatEVO as blocked my account from viewing any list of members, emailing, or PMing. All I am allowed to do is view the posts and reply to the posts. I sent a note to the Administrator asking to be removed/unsubscribed from the site completely. I advised him that I would prefer to be totally removed to being a member with "limited" capabilities. Apparently he was on our site long enough to identify anyone who played a part in trying to get our folks to come over here. Consequently, I will be unable to go there at all now, so any further attempts to contact our other members will need to be handled by you guys... Thanks, Deb
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
Yea, I think several of us have managed to get ourselves blocked. Even when I try to create a new account, it gets blocked too. I also noticed that all my posts have been deleted as well.... like I never existed. If others would like to try, that is great, but I understand if you don't want to get yourself banned as well. And if you do tell them about our site, you will more than likely need to use their personal email addresses if they are published in their profile. Using the PM feature is not private by any means and is monitored. Anyhow, thanks to those that have managed to inform the members that we have now. Hopefully we can get a few more. I feel they should have the right to know where we went.