In our local paper they list the animals that are going to be killed soon and show their picture online. And I want to save one so bad!!!! There is one that is a CHIHUAHUA/RAT TERRIOR (that is what Harley is!) and it looks JUST LIKE HARLEY, i mean exactly!!! And it says its really really scared. You can tell in the pic. I want to save him/her!!! Oh and i didn't tell you all we just bought a house and are closing on 9-14 and it has a huge yard and we are fencing it(YAY!!).But what should I do..should i save a dog from being killed on MONDAY,thats the last day for all the dogs listed.
Wow, what a hard decision to make! I would be a little bit leary bringing home another male when Harley has been aggressive lately. Although, you could try it for a bit and see how it goes, and if it isn't working out maybe the new pup another home, then at least you saved his life and gave him the opportunity to live his life in a loving home even if it isn't yours :) Let us know how it goes, and good luck!
Awwww, I am sorry Jennifer. I am sure you did the right thing for you and your family tho. You are having a hard enoug time with one rascally boy.....two might just put you over the edge. Besides, sould you imagine trying to start a family when you have two dogs who might be fighting all the time, or peeing all over the place??? Like I said, I am sure you did the right thing, and you can't go beating yourself up over it.