glad to see someone else loves to take pics of flowers~
Well, to be honest, I have a huuuuuge folder on my laptop full of flower pics, and I just added more tonight. I'd love to see more of your pics tho Vicki!! Hint, Hint ;)
OOHHH, you lucky girl! Gettin a pool huh, you should be posting pics of that! Sounds like you have a lot going on right now, I sure hope it isn't as hot there as it is here, phew, it is disgusting....well, unless you are from Argentina and are conditioined for it, LOL! I'm sure not!
hmmm, I know where it went. I am afraid we stole it, and I apologise, and now you can have it back, LOL! I hate to complain, but 36C is to friggin hot for me! mid 20's, ok....but this is rediculous!!
Vicks, you're getting a pool?! You lucky devil! Sounds glorious! D;you think the pups will like swimming?
I dont know what you two are complaining about over the hot weather; you should try being in Eblgand this summer, it is on average about 15 degrees centigrade and raining a LOT! Freeeeezing!!! Brrrr....