I have always wondered if dogs cry. Not so much from pain or expressing pain, we all know that a dog would wag their tail no matter how much pain they are in. I wonder if they get so excited or if they love so much that they cry? I know there have been occasions with both Binks and Boots where they just seemed so overjoyed that it almost looked like they had little tears in their eyes. Then when I see them cry (or at least it appears that way), I start to cry!!! I'm such a baby!!!
Well I've just been looking it up and I think I'm going to go with not. I know dogs certainly feel a lot of emotions (happiness, sadness etc.) but I dont think they have the capacity to actually shed tears when upset. I think their wy of crying is through voice, like whining and howling. Saying that I am not an expert by any standard so I may well be wrong! lol
James' Mum's dog (who passed away a while ago) was very close to James' Grandmother, spent most of her time with her, and when she died the dog stopped eating. She didn't start eating again until the day the Grandmother's ashes were scattered. Weird, but I guess the do have some very similar attributes to humans!
Hmmmm, I have heard that dogs do not cry, BUT, I have had both of my puppies cry for long lengths of time, and there has been tears (not lots, more like really watery eyes), but I have wondered the same thing too.
There is a really great book (infact my favorite ever) called "when elephants wheep" written by Jane goodall and some animal scientists, it's gives proof to the fact tat animals feel emotion, as almost all scientist will argue, warning: this book is not for the week hearted, it made me cry almost all the way through when they talk about animal testing/cruelty, however it is a wonderful book, and gives me confidance that some people even the few and far between scientists see more in animals. I believe they do, maybe it was just watering, but Phoenix did when she was put to sleep in my arms. But I firmly believe that they feel emotion and show it, a baby elephant will stay behind the heard if it's mother dies, and die of starvation to stay with her, documented to wheep for days, there are pllenty of examples of animals showing emotion, so why not crying?
-- Edited by Westcoastchihuahuas at 08:49, 2007-07-10
You think dogs will not be in heaven~ I think they will be there long before any of us... stevenson