Well, Boots is a senior dog, at least 12 or more years old and has been in fairly good health. About 3 days ago he got sick and vomited in the morning. That was about it for the most part. Today, upon getting up, the first thing the kids want to do is eat. Boots showed no interest in eating and went strait to the door to go outside. He did eat this morning, but I had to mix his food with some wet stuff to get him to eat it. He happily accepts human food and treats. And will eat Binks' food, but not with much bravado. He has been a bit listless today, and his gums are pale. After dinner tonight, he did not eat much of his food, but accepted some of Binks and a few treats. He vomited that up and is now laying in his bed.
Any thoughts as to what is going on? Binks seems fine and has not shown any signs of feeling ill. I am contemplating getting Boots into the vet, just not sure how serious this may be. He also seems to be drinking more water than usual.
Binks gets Blue Buffalo for adult dogs and Boots gets Nutro for seniors. He has been on Nutro for about 2 months. Could this be a food related issue?
Awww Sattie, I am so sorry to hear about Boots. and I sure hope he is feeling better soon! I have a thought , is there any chance he might have eaten anything outside? I know my moms dog did that once (dead animal, yuck!), and he didn't feel well for a few days, she did take him to the vet for it, though I can't remember what the vet told her to do. Keep us posted on him, I will be sending good thoughts for him.
IG... I usually suspect something like that anytime they show signs of not feeling well. You know as well as I do how much they can get themselves into trouble!!! At the moment, I don't have any ideas of what he could of gotten into that Binks would not have gotten into. I did talk to WCC a bit and I got some info that may help. I am going to call the vet in the morning and see about getting him in for some tests. I will let you guys know what I find out after that.
This morning started off pretty much the same, Boots had no interest in his food. I gave him some soft food which he ate and then shortly after threw up. So we got him into the vet today and they tested for kidney and liver disease.... nada! The only thing the tests yielded was that he had a very high white blood cell count which means he is fighting some sort of infection.
So.... he recieved an injection to rehydrate him. It is kinda strange because it is like they injected a pocket of fluid under his skin which is very visible at the moment, but should go away as his body absorbs the fluid. He also received and antibiotic injection. He seems to be a bit more peppier at the moment and wants to eat. We have been instructed to hold off feeding until tomorrow.
Starting tomorrow, oral antibiotics and a suspension to help curb the vomiting. I am to feed him chicken and rice in very small amounts. If he is able to keep it down, then we may be in the clear. If he vomits it back up, we will need to get him back in for tests to check for blockage. Pancritis (sp?) was also discussed and may be a culprit although initial tests show this to not be the issue.
I'll keep you folks posted!!! Pray that he can eat and keep it down tomorrow!!!
Well, that sounds like pretty good news so far, so I will keep thinking positive thoughts for you guys, and hope it is all uphill from here, good luck, I hope the little guy feels better soon!
Thanks IG... he is already showing signs of improvement. He has some spunk and showing interest in food. We have been instructed not to feed him tonight which is kinda tough at the moment. He goes and stands by his food bowl.... hoping.... He looks like he is back to himself. Tomorrow will tell!
Awww, my heart is breaking for him! There is nothing like being really hungry and not being allowed to eat, man that sucks! But hopefully it will be well worth it, and he will be back to his old self tomorrow, and he can eat a nice big breakfast :) Hugs to Boots!!
Oh no! Poor Boots! I'm so sorry to hear he's been ill, that is a horrible thought, he's such gorgeous old boy! I do hope the Vet is right and that the antibiotics take effect as quickly as possible!
How're you doing after all this? I know how distressing it is when our babies are ill. You ok sweetie?
Please, do keep us posted on his progress, and also please send him a snuggle from his Auntie Jess !
Boots is doing much better and is not vomiting anymore. He is eating home made chicken and rice and then this morning when I tried to feed him his regular food, he ate some but curled his nose up at it. All of the sudden, he does not like his food anymore.... I wonder why? But other than that, he seems to be doing good. Will keep you posted and thanks for the warm thoughts and paryers!!
Oh, I'm glad he's doing better, it's so stressful knowing somethings wrong, but not knowing what, i'm glad you had his liver &kidneys checked feewww... that's a relief, Hope it's over with. Kepp yer chin up girly, if you need me I;m only a call away.
You think dogs will not be in heaven~ I think they will be there long before any of us... stevenson
omg.. I don't come and see the site for two evenings and one of my girlies boyfriends gets sick! Oh Sattie. I hope Bootter is feeling better! Big hugs for you and a pat and a scratch for Boots. xoxoxoxoxo V
Thanks for all the kinds words, thoughts and prayers... he is doing super and you could not even tell that he had anything wrong with him. Back to his old antics!!!
Oh Sattie, that is SUCH great news, what a relief! Phew! lol So now you have to wean him off the chicken and rice and back onto his own food! Good luck, it sounds like you might need it! lol
He was kinda persnickety about it at first, he would pick around his regular dog food and eat the chicken and rice, but now he is just pretty much wolfing it all down now. But they are enjoying the 'special' food!