What is the minimum age that I could get Corona spayed at? I would really like to have her done, and healed, before we make the big move to Toronto. I've heard that it can be done as young as 4 months, but I don't know if that pertains to Chis or not.
I dont own my chi yet. but when i was talking to various breeders one said she had the puppies spayed before you recieved them. And she said that ment they'd be spayed at about 8 weeks I think, maybe under. She said she never had had any problems adn that the vet was ok with this. But i think it would be best to talk to a vet, give em a call, im sure they'd be happy to help you out. You could even try talking to the breeder u got Corona from. Best of luck finding the info u need.
Stacey, I have asked around, and the general reply I get is a year old is a good idea. Anesthetic is too hard on a tiny chihuahua, never mind a puppy, and they need to fully develop before you get them fixed. Hope that is helpful
Hm thats a tough situation with Corona, like i said talk to ur vet and see wat they think. Ya I totally was weary tho when the breeder said that they spayed the dogs that young. From everything I've heard tho, including my vet, is you should get them spayed aroung 6months to a year. I can deff. see the logic of waiting to a year if the dog is really small tho.
Well, I talked to the breeder and they said that it is safe to spay basically any time after they are a couple of months old (not that they were recommending spaying a 3 month old by any means), but that it's generally best to wait until they are between 5-7 months old so that they can have their teeth done at the same time, if need be.
They also said that Chi's dont tend to have their first heat until they are about 8 monts of age.
So I havent made any decisions as to when it would fit best into my schedule so that I can take care of her... but it's good to know that I can pretty much do it any time now.