I've been noticing that Corona's been pretty smelly lately, lol, so we picked up some shampoo today and Corona got her first bath. She wasn't exactly happy about it, but I thought she did very well, no whining and no fighting. So, hopefully my little stinker wont be so stinky now! haha
Awww, poor little Corona! How is it they can make themselves look so utterly dejected and pittiful and somehow even smaller than they actauuly are?! lol
I remember Ellie's first bath well, she must've been about 20 weeks old and she'd gone outside to have her morning piddle and because it was still very cold she slipped in some ice and fell into her own puddle! Man I laughed SO hard! lol
GREAT pics Stace, thanks SO much for sharing them!
Oh my goodness, she just looks sad, not even a bit angry or anything, just pitifully sad!! Poor little thing! Did she even cry, looks like she is just pouting, lol!