Oh wow....my heart just melted!!! What a bunch of sweeties! It seriously looks liike they are thinking exactly what you wrote in the captions, lol! I'd like to cuddle up in their bed with them, they look so snuggly, well, except when they are horsing around!!!
Ok Victoria...you need to pack all of Molly's "stuff" cause I just absolutely must have that little girl!She is truly the most appealing little rascal I have ever seen..So expressive with those gorgeous big eyes of hers.... Now don't let Jazzy, Lucy, and Coco get their feelings hurt cause they are little dolls and I love their pics.... but that Molly just manages to "own" your heart!! I should be there by Friday...lol Deb
(Sig by Meg)
Sometimes an open mind is too porous to hold a conviction.