So in August theres going to be a dog show im my city-area. I am really excited to take my baby girl there to look around, I will have had her for about a month by then. I talked to a lady at a pet store and she said theres going be lots of cool boths with neat stuff for your dog, so I cant wait to take Ayvee there and spoil her a bit lol. Just wondering if anyone can think of anything I should be careful of when I take her to the show. Like any saftly precations I should take. Should I walk her on her leash and harness, or carry her in my arms or the purse I bought specifically for carrying her? Any suggestions would be great!
Please realize my comments are always my opinions which have formed based on personal experience with my chis. I never take a puppy around any other dogs until they have completed their puppy shots which is about 20 weeks old. I don't take mine to Petsmart, pet shops, shows, parks or anywhere other dogs have been until they are fully immunized..Not only can they be infected by other dogs, but the feces left in grass from other dogs can also carry parvo. I currently have a pup who is 15 weeks old and I have never even let his feet touch the ground in my own yard.When I take him to the vet, I carry my own blankie that I put down on the examining table for him to stand on.. I lost one puppy to parvo about 13 years ago, and it was a terrible thing to watch... Consequently, I feel you cannot take too many precautions regarding pups who are not fully immunized. Deb
-- Edited by chideb at 18:33, 2007-06-01
(Sig by Meg)
Sometimes an open mind is too porous to hold a conviction.
Oh the TYEE show! it's fun, small enough to be comfortable going to your first show, lotsa great dogs, I like Deb wouldn't take if if she doesn't have all 3 sets of shots yet. I would definately carry her, as yes they are show dogs, but yes, they are dogs, she could get mauld by a large breed or stepped on the same as any busy area, and some people bring their "pets" wich can sometimes be unpredictable and not well handled.
You think dogs will not be in heaven~ I think they will be there long before any of us... stevenson