I've been looking at articles on the web latley about puppy proofing ur home and how you should go about it. But I was just wondering if anyone has any chihuahua specific puppy proofing tips for me to keep in mind...?
Well, I am finding that anything small enough to fit into Merries mouth, will end up in her mouth one way or another, she is like a little vacuum! So the obvious, like plants, electrical cords or any debris that you might or might not see, she probably will find, and want to taste! Basically, if I leave the room, I put her in her x-pen, that way I know that she will be safe, even if it is only for a minute. I also am finding that if there is an area small enouh for her to fit through, she will try to get through it, and she is very persistant! If I take her away from something that she can't have, she will keep going back to it, until I have removed it, and she is confident that it is gone, it is quite funny to see actually, they are very smart little dogs, and have a one track mind. I am also noticing that if we have been working on a training method for a week or so, and then slack off once, she remembers that one time, not the whole week of practice, lol, like I said, they are really smart! I hope this has been a little bit helpful!
Island Girl hit some pretty good points... they will eat anything, so being vigilant in keeping things picked up off the floor is good. Also, you may want to get a collar with a bell on it so you can hear your puppy when they are running around. My boy was sooo small that I was afraid of stepping on him. They will pretty much be your shadow, so it is important to know where they are.
Welcome to the boards, it is great to have you and your puppy looks like it's gonna be a real cutie!!!! Can't wait to see more pics!!