I am getting a Chi puppy this summer and I was wondering do they/can they go swimming? In all my research I havnt really found an answer to this. So any thoughts would be great. Thanks
Welcome to CC! My chi's are just babies, so I personally haven't had any experience with swimming, but i have been told by a few chi owners that they do take their chis to the lake in the summer, and let them swim around near the shore. I would assume that it would have to be a fairly warm lake tho. I'm sure that there are a few girls on here that have more experience, and who would be able to answer your question better than me! Sorry I couldn't help more, good luck!
none of mine swim, I would think that they would not be good smimmers because of their skinny legs and they're top heavy. they're feet are not very webbed.
You think dogs will not be in heaven~ I think they will be there long before any of us... stevenson
Hi Tashals! Welcome aboard, I'm really pleased to meet ya girlie! Congrats on your little baby, she's adorable! How long til you get to take her home?
I have known of Chis who like to swim on hot days but generally speaking I wouldn't consider it a favoured Chi past time. My Ellie positively hates the water! lol
Thanks for the warm welcome guys, im so glad I found this forum, it seems to have such a nice atmosphere and great ppl. I get to take my little lady home on July 17th at 11 weeks of age, im so excited!!!! I've considered buying her a life jacket for the water. Someone on another forum suggested training puppies to like swimming/water by putting them in the bath tub and gradually filling the tub with more and more water till they have to swim (this seems a tad cruel to me tho, i dunno maybe it isnt.) Or the other option is to bring a little rubber inflatable inner tube with a bottom covering the whole and putting Ayvee (my chi) in there with a life raft and attaching the tube to me. This way we can both enjoy the lake this summer. But we'll see how the first month and a bit goes before I try that.
Hey there, welcome to the forum, cute baby you go there. The big thing to worry about in letting your dog get wet is making sure they don't get chilled afterwards. But I don't see why they could not swim, but I would be very guarded if I did take them... like WCC stated, they are not really made to be swimmers.
My girls HATE baths. They do swim though. Sometimes when I am at my cousins place I bring them in the pool to cool them off. But since were are getting a pool this year I am thinking of getting small life jackets just in case. lol Acutally maybe just a water wing each would do the trick! ;)