For the last week or so, we've been taking Corona outside to do her business, and she's pretty good at letting us know when she has to go. My problem is that I am planning to move into an apartment soon, and I want her to keep using the pee pads, but she has basically stopped doing that now, she'll mess on the floor rather than the pad if we don't take her out. How can I get her back to using them?
Stacey, pardon my dumb question, but are you not allowed to take your dog out to do it's business in an apartment complex? I don't know, I have never lived in one before. I would say as long as you clean up after your pup, then I would continue to take them outside to do their business. If not, then I would start back with the pee pad now. Actually, I am not a very good source of info on using pee pads, I have never used those either. But I do know it is confusing to the pup if you go back and forth from outside to pads. Sorry I can not offer better advice!!!
Oh I'm sure it;s allowed to take them outside... but if I'm out all day, or whatever, it would just be nice to know that she always has a place available where she is allowed to go. Seems a lot nicer than making her "hold it" for 8 hours or so, lol. Not to mention, much more convenient than having to go down possibly 10 or 20 floors and find a spot outside every time I THINK she needs to go (I'm looking at moving by September, so she'll still only be about five months old).
Yea, that is a long time for them to hold it, but as they get older, they can do it. I have been fortunate enough to where hubby worked close enough to home that he would stop by during lunch and let them out. But even on the days he did not, they did just fine. We would feed them in the morning, let them go do their business, then as soon as we got home in the evening, let them out and then feed. Very rarely was there ever a mess. So the apartment, is it gonna be like a highrise??? That will be different!!! Wow!