I've only had Corona for a couple of days, but have already noticed something with her. She spends a LOT of time scratching her ears, and chewing/licking at her paws... from the reading I've done, this is a sign of a food allergy I believe. Is this common for such a young dog (8 weeks)? Or, is it a sign of something else?
I've been wanting to feed her raw anyway, so should I go ahead and make the switch, or finish up with her puppy food?
I think I would ask the breeder about the scratching and what not prior to bringing her home. If she was doing that before, then it may be food allergies. The other question I have is if you have had her to the vet yet or not. I think it would be worth a visit for a check up and to ask about some of the things you are seeing in Corona's behavior.
Well Stacey, I think Sattie's got your back there! The only thing I'd be worried about with the diet is whether or not little Corona will get enough protein on the Raw Food Diet. Puppy food has a huge amount of protein as the pup is growing fast and uses a lot of energy so I think you'd have to be super aware of making sure you gave her enough protein for the first year. When you go to see your Vet ask them their opinion.
It sounds like food allergies to me. Royal Canin contains corn, which is a very common allergen in dogs.
I feed my chis a grain free food (basically raw in kibble form). It's for all life stages... protein is 42%, which is high. Dogs are opportunistic carnivores... meat is the best food for them. It is actually a myth that high protein causes organ failure... if the protein is from a quality source, it's the best thing for them. Dogs are not meant to have grains and veggies... but will eat them if they have to.
A raw diet actually has a higher protein level than any kibble does. A raw diet consists of meat and bones (which are protein). If you have the time for it, I would recommend it.
Well, we had our vet visit yesterday and the vet seemed totally unconcerned by the scratching... hmmm...
Anyway, we will be switching her to a raw diet this weekend. We took a trip to Kelowna and got some "complete meal" raw patties, all we'll have to supplement with is some bone. Hopefully it will work out well.
Yea, some vets are not much help at all... remember that it is a service that you pay for and don't be afraid to PRESS for answers. Jessie could be considered our resident nutritionist when it comes to dogs and often has valuable advice in this area. So I am inclined to trust her judgement when it comes to food related issues. Keep us posted on Corona's progress on the new diet... remember to convert her gradually, try to avoid doing a total diet change in one day... stretch it out over several days or even a week if you can.
Yea, some vets are not much help at all... remember that it is a service that you pay for and don't be afraid to PRESS for answers. Jessie could be considered our resident nutritionist when it comes to dogs and often has valuable advice in this area. So I am inclined to trust her judgement when it comes to food related issues. Keep us posted on Corona's progress on the new diet... remember to convert her gradually, try to avoid doing a total diet change in one day... stretch it out over several days or even a week if you can.
Actually, from the research I've been doing, it's supposedly best to do a "cold turkey" switch to raw. This is because digesting raw food uses different enzymes than digesting kibble and raw digests faster, so if you continue to feed both, it is making the system have to work much harder. So... I was planning to switch over this weekend when someone can be home to keep and eye on things and watch for changes or any potential issues.
Stacey... you learn something new everyday... I knew that to be the case with dry kibble, but did not realize that with raw versus dry kibble. I trust that your research has yielded you some invaluable information and forgive me for the misguidance.
I hope you get good results in the diet change... please keep us posted!!!
I agree, it is best to switch to raw without gradually switching. However, you can mix high protein kibble with raw. There are many foods that are actually made for that.
Sounds like a plan to me! As SAttie said, sometimes Vets can be a little useless. The last time I went I had to tell my Vet a few things about Chis as a breed! It's a little annoying really, but I guess they cant know everything.
The Raw Diet sounds brilliant to me and I suspsect it'll clear up Corona's itchy skin. Let us know how you get on?