The boys got something in the mail today!!!! And Binks is just smitten with Mr. Lizard!!! I think he likes it cuz it is long and he can shake it back and forth and it hits him. He is so tickled with this thing!!! Thanks Beth!!!!
Oh, that's awsome! my guys play tug-a-war with 'em! binky boy, I knew youd love it! besides it will distract you from your mama cleaning your teeth! haha..... always a catch right?
You think dogs will not be in heaven~ I think they will be there long before any of us... stevenson
Hey, I nearly got one of those for Ellie just the other day! Great minds! lol Looks like Binky loves it, did Boots get a look in?! lol
Sattie, the teeth brushing, is this new? I was wondering if I should start brushing Ellie's but thought perhaps she might not take to it as it's a bit late to introduce it. Let me know how you get on? I'd be really interested!
Boots has played tug-of-war with it a little bit, but he is on a round of antibiotics and probably is not feeling up to par. I assume once he comes off that he will be more interested in keeping up with Binkster!!
As for the tool, Beth sent me a tooth scaler to remove plauqe from their teeth. Boots' teeth get dirty really easy and I am spending $200 or more a year getting his teeth cleaned so Beth told me about the scaler. I have been brushing Binks' teeth with these little pre soaked pads and they seem to do a pretty good job.
Jess, If I were you I would do some sort of maintenance on her teeth because getting their teeth cleaned by a vet, the costs are just insane!!!
I know what you mean Sattie, Merrie got one that is a purple gecko, and she does the head shake thing with it too, and she has been dragging it around the floor by the arm, looks too funny! And then when I squeeze the two squeaky things in it, she goes nuts!