During the day of course the crate will be placed inside my 8 week old pup's x-pen for her while we are not home. But I am wondering about at night. Some people have said to bring it into the bedroom so that you can provide some company/comfort for the pup and also so you can hear if they wake at night and need to go potty. But others have said that the crate should be left in the same spot all the time so they get into the routine and wont learn that they "need" to be in the bedroom and/or with someone to sleep.
Well, I don't mind that my doggies sleep with me, so I moved Binks in his kennel into the bed room up on the dresser so he could see me. It was sooooo funny cuz when I put Binks in his crate for the night, he would bite at the door and cry so pitifully!! It was during the winter so I would put a heating pad under the crate to help keep him warm. Then get up at least once or twice during the night to let the little guy out. As soon as he was big enough and could be trusted about the potty thing, I would let him sleep with us. That is my favorite thing to do is to cuddle up with Binks and Boots!!!
It is all a matter of choice. If you want your pup to sleep in the same room with you or not. I love having my guys with me no matter what.. and I use to not like dogs sleeping in my bed, but I caved in with Binks!!!
I'm not completely sure what to advise here Stacey. There are arguments for both positions I guess and Sattie may just be right when she says it's a personal choice. Sorry I cant be of more help! lol
When I first got Ellie I was really strict about where she slept and I had her in her crate in the kitchen until she'd learnt to be dry and to sleep at night. Then I moved her crate into our bedroom where she stayed in her crate with me giving her more and more space until she had the whole house. She stayed in her bed all night in our bedroom though as she prefers to be close to me.
Now he sleeps in our bed most nights! LOL! I'm so strong willed! lol
I have decided to move Merrie's crate around, so if I have to take her out somewhere with me, she won't mind sleeping in it in the car, or a friends house, etc... At night, i put her in it beside my bed, and if i am with her in the day, i put it close to me beside the couch with the door open, so she can go in and out as she pleases (and she has, and gone to sleep) I also leave the door to the X-pen open so she can enter and exit as she pleases, because her food, water and pee pad are all in there, and when I have to leave her alone, I place her crate in there with the door open, and lock the pen door. This has all been working for us so far.....i hope that it helps a bit with your question!
I'm not completely sure what to advise here Stacey. There are arguments for both positions I guess and Sattie may just be right when she says it's a personal choice. Sorry I cant be of more help! lol
When I first got Ellie I was really strict about where she slept and I had her in her crate in the kitchen until she'd learnt to be dry and to sleep at night. Then I moved her crate into our bedroom where she stayed in her crate with me giving her more and more space until she had the whole house. She stayed in her bed all night in our bedroom though as she prefers to be close to me.
Now he sleeps in our bed most nights! LOL! I'm so strong willed! lol
Jess, is it not amazing how easily we cave in????? LOL... we are such love drunk souls when it comes to our babies!!!