Well, it's taken her 16 months. We finally had to Frontline Ellie last night when we found a tick on her. I'm kind of amazed that I haven't had to deflea/tick her until now! I've not had or known of any other dog that has gone that long before needing their first dose. lol
The tick was gone 12 hours later. Just thought I'd share.
Lisa, ticks can cause Limes Desease which can be very serious, yes. I dont suppose it'd take many ticks to really make a small breed like a Chi to make one very ill, as they literally suck the life (and blood) out of the poor animal. They're nasty parasites that dont seem to have a real purpose in life. I mean, even spiders (eek!) have a purpose, which is to eat the flies, but ticks have no real life purpose! What're they for?! lol
Um....yup those are the ticks that I thought that you were talking about, they are horrible! I wasn't sure if they are the same in the UK as they are here, but I guess they are. I'm so glad you found it before it was too late!