The AKC has just informed me that NO I can't register my AKC litters anymore because they are born in canada! what kinda crap is that? both parents are AKC, I show, and now they are telling me NO? And all of this years pups will be uunregistered because of where they are whelped! and the canadaian KC are a joke! I refuse to be part of it. good news though, Mambo & Deja are ready for show, I am entering a couple of CanKC shows for practice, it would be neat to pick up a couple points, don't think I'll register the two with CanKC too though, We will count out points made in the US shows. And I have two new pups right now, gorgeous little girls, mambo & Majics are due in April, wanted to keep myself a show female out of that litter, but now they can't be registered! ahhhhhh! frustrating, the registries are almost forcing you to breed unregistered!
You think dogs will not be in heaven~ I think they will be there long before any of us... stevenson
Beth I don't understand either! I thought the qualification for registering a puppy AKC was that both parents were AKC registered. I have never heard anything about the pup having to be born in the Americas to qualify....So does that mean a pup born in South America could be AKC but not a pup born in Canada?? Sounds alot like a "clique" just trying to restrict registration for their own benefit to me. Deb
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
At first I thought okay maybe I just talked to someone who was a meathead, so I called back to other times and was told NO! If the dog is not whelped in the united states, NO! so... I'm supposed to send off my pregnant bitch to the states to whelp? that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard! and she said well" If you have a us address and change all your dogs to that address then no worries, but unless the pups are being whelped in the united states we will no longer register their litters". EVEN AKC CHAMPION LINES OR SIRED! rediculous!
You think dogs will not be in heaven~ I think they will be there long before any of us... stevenson
I too am perplexed at the KC over that law, bjt to be honest it doesn't exactly surprise me. The KC is known for it's bizzare rules and insane regulations. I myself an begining to get very annoyed and rather angry with the UK KC over the recent docking legislation and Pit Bull amnesty going on over here. They're just so immoral, it makes me not want to be part of it at all!