Anyway, I was just wondering what everyone feeds their Chi's and also approx. how much they eat (just trying to figure out how long a bag of food is going to last me). I've been thinking about feeding raw via Nature's Variety... but I'm not sure yet.
I have been feeding my boys Blue Buffalo (see the nutrition article sticky in chi health section). I feed aproximately 1/4 cup twice daily to Binks, and a little more than that to Boots. Binks is about 6 to 7 lbs and Boots is around 10 or so.
I also feed Blue Buff to both my aussie and to chuwee. They love it, although they are pickey on the flavor they want. They tend to like the fish and sweet potato better, so that's what i buy them. I also feed them the Blue Buff canned food on Sunday as a treat. That stuff smell soooo good. A bag of dog food lasts me a month or more.
We feed 2oz of raw food a day. I make a mix of beef heart, chicken hearts, chicken livers, chicken wings stew beef, and sometimes veggies. I run all this through the meat grinder and freeze in 4oz portions for easy feeding during the week. On weekends I try to give them the "drumstick" portion of the chicken wing so they have some bones to chew on and clean their teeth. Akira will take 2 hrs to eat this (that's why I can't do it during the week).
Ellie's been on 4 different foods in the year I've had her! She has some allergies to certain foods and it took me a year and a lot of trial and error to finally land on The Natural Dog Food COmpany dry complete. I'm a bit funny about what I put into my body and I'm afraid that's spilled over onto Ellie. She eats a holistic, organic, human grade food. lol
Gottalovechis, did you say you're feeding chicken bones once a week? I'm sure you're aware, but I thought I'd better just say that you mustn't feed chicken bones to dogs as the fine bones splinter and can cause a lot of internal problems and can even be fatal.
I've just realised I didn't actually answer your question on how much I feed Ellie. On most food packets/tins they'll give a guidline of how much tgo give per kg. When I first got Ellie I was warned that little dogs can get over weight easily as they tend to eat as much as you allow, but that couldn't be farther from the truth with Ellie! She free feeds, so she kind of nibbles all day. In other words, she hardly eats! lol