Hello all, I have been in here a few times, pretty cool place for chi info! I have been doing alot of research because we are thinking about adding one or two to our family! (I'm sooo excited!!!)
Thank you for the warm welcome! With all of the research that I have done, I have been discouraged more than once, it seems like there are a few people trying to make chihuahuas a bad idea for most people to own! I love them, I have been trying to talk my hubby into letting me have one for years, he is just starting to come around now! :) It is nice having support from people that own them, thanx!
I can't imagine someone trying to talk you out of it. I can't imagine my life without my babies and I only have 2.. several other members have 3, 4, or even 8!!! They are such a treat to watch and interact with, and you can't find a more dedicated companion!!! I do hope you get to have one, and very soon!!!! Please keep us posted, and if you need anyone to call your hubby to convince him, we will be more than happy to oblige!!!! LOL!
Thanks Sattie, I'm thinking of maybe breeding, IF everything goes well....we will see. I have posted a coulpe of questions in the breeding forum too. I can't wait! I feel like i'm expecting..lol. guess everything is pretty far away yet, one step at a time, but I am still excited.
Hello and welcome to our corner of cyberspace. I never thought I would own a chi. I have always had large dogs, until Mr. Chuwee came into my life. I love this little guy so much. He isn't anything like I had always heard chihauhuas to be.. Yappy, nippy etc. Deb is correct, once you get one you can't stop. She owns shares in the chihauhua chip company..:)
I have to agree with newf. I never thought about having a chi, till my dh wanted one. So eventually I got him one for Christmas and I fell head over heels for chis Now I have one too.
Hey girl! Welcome to the Cabana! You'll love it here, and it's truly the best place to be if you're an 'expecting' Chi mama! lol
Dont worry about the hubby; they all say they dont like Chis but when they think you're not looking they're curled up with them! lol Mine is exactly teh same! lol
Welcome again, I look forward to chatting with you!